Pankaj K February 23, 2017 3 Commentson How to Install FFMPEG on cPanel Server
FFMPEG is required when you want to process audio video files on your server. It also helps you stream any audio video. It is supported on all platforms and have cross platform support out of the box. FFMPEG also comes with PHP extension which allows the users to use the PHP language to process their files via web pages. We will now see how to install FFMPEG on the server in simple steps
Install EPEL repo:
EPEL repo can be installed using below simple command
yum install epel-release
In some rare cases above command may fail and will return you No package epel-release available then you will need to download the rpm of epel repo using below steps.
rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
Install NUX desktop repo:
rpm -Uvh
Install FFMPEG
yum -y install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
Confirm FFMPEG installation
ffmpeg -version